'The Mountebank History of Scotland Podcast' by Scottish comedian Daniel Downie mixes Scottish history with lots of jobby jokes and tory-bashing. Learn a little and laugh a lot with this 'hysterical and historical' podcast all the way from Scotland @mountebankscotland

Wednesday May 27, 2020
#2 - The First King of Scotland
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
In this episode I compare a great Pictish king to a pastry, the vikings try to introduce £9 pints to Scotland, Edinburgh falls out of English and back into Scottish hands but they decide to keep cricket all this plus I shout at Stuart Armstrong for not booting the ball out of the park in 2017.

Wednesday May 20, 2020
#1 - Romans, Picts and Scots
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
The Mountebank History of Scotland is a series of comical history podcasts charting the history of Scotland from the 1st century to the present day.
In episode #1
The Romans were scared of midgies, the 'Scots' are actually Irish and the indigenous people of Scotland would ride into battle bollock naked and covered in tattoos (1500 years before the invention of instagram). All this plus a year long piss up in Edinburgh Castle
Support the podcast here, each week I aim to raise enough money to buy a deserving person a bottle of whisky :)
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/mountebanktours?fan_landing=true
Buy Me a Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mountebank